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Ike Eisenmann prepares for his interview - photo by Anna Cota Dodge

Dion Labriola on an interview set in Los Angeles for "Dear Ike" - photo by Anna Cota Dodge

Ike Eisenmann interviewed for "Dear Ike"

Dion Labriola interviewed for "Dear Ike"

Dion's 8th grade class photo

A headshot from Ike Eisenmann's teen years

An animated reenactment featuring the infamous MILNO LIVES shirt set in the halls of Roswell Kent Junior High

One of Dion's creatures from 1977

One of Dion's creatures comes to life in an animated scene from the film.

Milno, one of Dion's characters, displaying his magical powers

Simon-Oe, one of Dion's characters from 1978

An article about Ike in "16 Magazine" from 1977

Ike Eisenmann stands next to his father, Albert Able Eisenmann

Ike's father, Albert Able, as Houston kid's show host, Cadet Don in 1963

Roswell Kent Junior High School, Akron, Ohio

Carmella Moore, interviewed in a classroom at Roswell Kent Junior High

Actor Talon Bohn records voiceovers as the voice of Young Dion

Jay B Johnson gets footage of Firestone Park Elementary School in Akron, Ohio

Jay B Johnson shoots in downtown Akron, Ohio

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* feel free to email us to request copies of either the EPK or Production Notes